The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Transforming the Judgmental Mind

2012-04-18 (8 days) Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2012-04-19 Transforming the Judgmental Mind - An Overview 57:31
Donald Rothberg
We situate the transformation of the judgmental mind in the context of the path of awakening - distinguishing reactive judgments from nonreactive discernment, clarifying why working with judgments is important and pointing to several ways of practicing with the judgmental mind.
2012-04-20 A Map of Transformation for Judgments 55:41
Heather Sundberg
With a light hearted tone, the talk outlines five key areas of practice in working with the judgmental mind; Mindfulness, Somatic Practices, Heart Practices, Inquiry into habits and the role of wise friends, Spiritual Community.
2012-04-22 The Brahma Viharas: Shifting the Center of Gravity 56:13
Heather Sundberg
An overview of the Brahma Viharas (lovingkindness-compassion-sympathetic joy-euanimity) and the role they play in the path of transforming judgments through sharing stories, images and practical techniques.
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