The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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2018-10-10 How to Be Sick - Guest speaker Toni Bernhard 2:00:26
Sylvia Boorstein
2018-10-24 Cultivating Wise Speech 2 2:06:45
Donald Rothberg
Description:We review first why speech practice is so important and how it connects with the Noble Eightfold Path, and then two of the foundations of skillful or wise (or right) speech. We cover: (1) working with the four guidelines from the Buddha for wise speech, and how we can use the guidelines both to guide our speech and as spurs for mindfulness, when we find ourselves going against the guidelines; and (2) developing a sense of presence during speaking and listening. We then explore some general ways to strengthen our speech practice, as well as begin to bring it into challenging or difficult situations involving speech and interaction. We end with a speech exercise involving dyads, and discussion of the exercise and our practice generally.
2018-10-31 Refuges, Precepts, Renunciation & Spiritual Urgency 1:37:23
Heidi Bourne
An explanation of essential and practical practices of loving resistance for our times
2018-11-07 Courage as the Buddhist Equivalent of Hope 2:06:19
Sylvia Boorstein
2018-12-05 Wednesday Morning Meditation 2:02:25
Donald Rothberg
2019-01-16 Dharma Practice and the Life and Work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Part 1 67:13
Donald Rothberg
On the day after Dr. King's birthday, we explore three themes that are central both to dharma practice and to the life and work of Dr. King, and that are interpreted in strikingly similar ways. The three themes are (1) the core of wisdom as an understanding of non-reactivity, the end of dukkha, nonviolence; (2) the centrality of love/metta or lovingkindness/compassion; and (3) integrity--the wholeness and coherence of one's life guided by these core principles and spiritual qualities.
2019-01-23 Dharma Practice and the Life and Work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Part 2 64:30
Donald Rothberg
We review and deepen the exploration of three core themes that are the shared heart of the approaches of the Buddha and Dr. King: (1) the wisdom and understanding of the nature of dukkha and the aim of ending of dukkha - understood in this context as reactivity and violence in their different forms; (2) the centrality of the wise heart- understood as love, metta, compassion, etc and the importance of acting from this wise heart; and (3) integrity - the coherence, consistency, and authenticity of one's life, especially in relationship to the first two themes. We then begin an imagined "dialogue" between the Buddha and Dr. King that might point to an integration of deep inner and outer practice based on these principles.
2019-01-30 Dharma Practice and the Life and Work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Part 3 65:47
Donald Rothberg
We first review the three themes identified as the "shared heart" of Buddhist practice and the life and work of Dr. King: (1) non-reactivity (the end of dukkha) and nonviolence; (2) love, metta, and compassion; and (3) the integrity and coherence of one's life, such that this "shared heart" appears increasingly in all parts of one's life. Then we imagine a kind of dialogue between Western Buddhists and Dr. King, identifying both the great jewels and some of the blind spots or underdeveloped areas of each. This points toward the aspiration to bring together the best of both approaches, to bring together deep inner and outer transformative practice; we make use of a number of resources, including the figure of the bodhisattva, in clarifying this aspiration.
2019-02-06 From Contention to Compassion 1:55:16
Sylvia Boorstein
2019-02-13 Brahma Viharas & Happiness 2:07:20
Sylvia Boorstein
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