The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Sally Armstrong's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Sally Armstrong
Sally Clough Armstrong began practicing vipassana meditation in India in 1981. She moved to the Bay Area in 1988, and worked at Spirit Rock until 1994 in a number of roles, including executive director. She began teaching in 1996, and is one of the guiding teachers of Spirit Rock's Dedicated Practitioner Program. Sally has always been inspired by the depth and the breadth of the Buddha’s teaching, as presented in the suttas of the Pali Canon, because the truth and power of the Buddha’s words still speak to us today. Her intention in teaching is to make these ancient texts and practices accessible and relevant to all levels of practitioner, from the very new to the dedicated meditator.
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2012-08-15 Morning Instructions Day Two 54:55
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat
2012-07-11 Metta, Equanimity and Concentration 53:08
The metta practice is powerful because it works on all aspects of our being. But when it is suffused with equanimity and deepened by concentration, it can really transform our hearts and minds.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat
2012-07-07 Deepening Kindness 56:23
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat
2012-02-24 Transcendent Dependent Arising: The Path to Freedom 58:55
This powerful teaching form the Upanisa Sutta shows us how suffering when understood with wisdom leads to faith and is the beginning of a natural unfolding of beautiful qualities of the heart which provide the foundation for the mind to turn to awakening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, February Month long
2012-02-18 The Four Noble Truths 58:06
Richard Gombrich, a Buddhist scholar, called the Buddha a brilliant and original thinker on the level of Plato and Aristotle. But the Buddha wasn't interested in just speculative philosophy, but to understand why we suffer, and how to find freedom. The Four Noble Truths is his direct teaching on just that.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, February Month long
2012-02-12 Bringing Kindness and Wisdom to the Judging Mind 58:21
The habit of judging; ourselves and others can be a huge source of suffering. Exploring the conditioned nature of this tendency of mind can lead to greater happiness and freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, February Month long
2012-02-07 Renunciation as Letting Go of What No Longer Serves Us 57:44
We usually think of renunciation as giving up what we cherish, but true renunciation can be a practice that springs from a sense of well being, giving up what no longer serves us to find greater happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, February Month long
2012-02-02 What is Mindfulness? 54:27
Even though we talk a lot about mindfulness, we often don't fully understand what the Buddha meant by "samma sati" or right mindfulness. This talk explores samma sati and also "sati-panna"-mindfulness wisdom: the wisdom that naturally develops when we pay attention.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat, February Month long
2011-07-21 Metta Instructions: All Beings 51:30
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat
2011-07-20 Growing Your Own Happiness 57:00
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat

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