The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
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2017-02-22 Day 25: Brahma Vihara Instructions 58:04
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long Retreat
2017-02-20 Ehipassiko: Come See For Yourself (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:58
With so many different meditation instructions and approaches to practice how do we know which is the right one for us? This talk includes the Buddha's different methods for dealing with distracting thoughts as well as learning how to listen and trust your own experience.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long Retreat
2017-02-16 Equanimity: Bringing Balance to our Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:41
Equanimity is the precursor to the awakened mind. It allows us to skillfully hold compassion, metta and joy in balance. It is the essential quality that allows us to go through life's ups and downs with wisdom and wise response.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long Retreat
2017-02-10 Dharma Practice as a Path to Happiness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:38
The Buddha said that cultivating wholesome states creates the conditions for awakening. He further said that when a wholesome state is here to maintain and increase that state. But how can we do that without it increasing attachment? This talk explores why the Buddha was called The Happy One and how to see this path not only as an end to suffering but as a deepening of true well-being on and off the cushion,
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long Retreat
2017-02-05 Opening to Experience: How and When (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 61:03
One of the most profound gifts of retreat practice is learning to open to our experience. We develop confidence, courage, compassion and insight as we are willing to work with all the challenging and beautiful places the mind can take us to. And it's also good to know when it's more skillful to not open to those places if we need to have a stronger container to hold them. Qualities that support this opening such as forgiveness, patience, sense of humor, and self-compassion are explored.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long Retreat
2017-01-30 Five Spiritual Faculties: Understanding how Intensive Practice Works (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 57:46
The list of the Five Spiritual Faculties provides a good explanation of how the process of intensive retreat practice unfolds.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Month-long Retreat
2016-12-11 Spirit Rock - Equanimity: Finding Balance in Our Practice with James Baraz 5:31:45
Equanimity is a highly valued quality in Buddhist teachings. It is one of the Four Divine Abodes, one of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment, and one of the Ten Paramitas or Perfections.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2016-12-03 Connecting Mind and Heart: Awakening Joy 1:15:13
The Dalai Lama says: "The purpose of life is to be happy." This practice leads to true happiness. It starts with the mind intending to awaken the heart and all the goodness within us.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart
2016-12-02 Forgiveness Practice 0:00
(Recording not available) 
Forgiveness towards self (body, mind, heart). Asking and extending forgiveness with another.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart
2016-12-01 Love, Serve, Remember = Non-Greed, Non-Hatred, Non-Delusion 65:13
The three sources of true happiness are the same no matter what the spiritual tradition.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart

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