The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Transforming the Judgmental Mind

2011-04-19 (6 days) Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2011-04-21 Transforming Judgments is Possible 57:36
Heather Sundberg
Through personal stories, practical techniques and humor, the talk outlines five areas for working with judgments: 1. Mindfulness of Body 2. RAIN Practice 3. Heart Practices 4. Learning about patterns 5. Value of wise friends
2011-04-22 Two Pathways for Transforming the Judgmental Mind 56:10
Donald Rothberg
We explore through stories, teachings and poetry two basic ways of transforming judgments: 1. through mindfulness, reflection, inquiry and other tools we directly investigate judgments and their roots. 2. through developing the awakened mind, heart and body we come to rest more in our deep nature, helping in multiple ways to transform judgments.
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