Retreat Dharma Talks
at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Insight Meditation Retreat, March Month Long
| An extended period of retreat offers the rare opportunity for sustained and dedicated practice. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing profound clarity and depth of insight practice. Instruction will follow the traditional four foundations of mindfulness combined with training in lovingkindness and compassion, through a daily schedule of silent sitting, walking, dharma talks and interviews.
2012-03-01 (28 days)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Compassion as the Path and Expression of Awakening
Heather Sundberg
A "talk from the heart" blending aspects of wisdom and compassion. Teachings on the five recollections, the three characteristics and how to work with difficulties in cultivating compassion are offered through stories from the life of the Buddha, Dipa Ma, Darlene Cohen, Ruth Denison and His Holiness the Karmapa.
The Grace of Connection
Sylvia Boorstein
A Brahma Vihara talk that emphasizes the importance of equanimity as the foundation for metta, compassion and appreciation. Also the relationship of Wisdom and Equanimity as mutually causal, and how wisdom both sustains equanimity and is a reflection of equanimity.
Concentration and it's Development in Practice
Donald Rothberg
We explore (1) the nature of concentration: (2)the qualities developed in concentration practice; (3) how concentration practice (and practice in general) engenders a powerful process of purification of body, heart and mind; (4) the nature of wise effort in concentration practice (balancing active and receptive effort); and (5) the relationship of concentration and insight.
The Great Rain
John Travis
The talk outlines the Three Characteristics (change - suffering - not self) and the Three Subtle Characteristics (emptiness - suchness - not with the object). Teachings on the 4 Seals and the 5 Aggregates are also offered.
"The Doors to the Deathless are Open!: Cycles of Awakening".
Heather Sundberg
"The spiritual path moves through cycles. The key is balance."
The talk journeys from the ground of ethical conduct through developing concentration, working with doubt, developing insight, working with dukkha of many types, to stabilizing in equanimity and opening to and integrating awakening.
The Paramitas as the Path
Sylvia Boorstein
Cultivation of morality (in the ten permutations called Perfections (Paramitas) is presented as the path to rather than simply a preparation for meditation. Stories illustrate how the practice of each paramita leads to insight.