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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Evolving Together: Mindfulness Meditation and Modern Science

"Oh wondrous creatures,
by what strange miracle
do you so often
not smile?"
Hafiz, Sufi poet

Many of us are amazed when we read of the latest scientific discoveries about the complexity of the brain or the number of galaxies in the cosmos or the workings of biological evolution. In this meditation retreat we will learn how to make the new science come alive inside of us, helping us to transform our understanding of ourselves. Making use of classical Buddhist meditation techniques, we will employ the latest science information to help us train our hearts and minds for a more harmonious and happier life.

The retreat will follow the traditional schedule of sitting and walking meditations, talks, discussion and guided practices. We will explore the workings of the brain and nervous system, the evolutionary origin of our body and emotions; practice traditional Buddhist reflections on death and dying; all the while uncovering the tricky delusions of mind and looking at the mystery of consciousness itself. In the process we will find some relief from our personal drama and gain a new sense of connection and delight in our lives.

2014-12-08 (7 days) Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2014-12-09 Cultivation and the End of Craving 54:35
Rick Hanson
Craving causes suffering-but what causes craving? This talk explores how craving is caused by an underlying sense of deficit or disturbance-and how repeatedly internalizing experiences of core needs being met helps "de-fuel" the fires of craving.
2014-12-10 They Tried to Bury Us, But They Didn't Know We Were Seeds 45:52
Anushka Fernandopulle
Dharma as nature, why we practice, seeing what is unseen; opening to dukkha and the truth; retreat and social/political activism. Title is from Mexican saying from liberation movement.
2014-12-11 Thursday Morning Guided 52:16
Anushka Fernandopulle
2014-12-11 Evolving Together 57:22
Wes Nisker
Evolutionary origin of aggregates.
2014-12-12 Friday Morning Guided Big Sky Meditation 55:11
Wes Nisker
2014-12-13 Saturday Morning Guided Sit 60:05
Rick Hanson
2014-12-13 Rick and Wes: Brama Vihara Exercises 58:25
Rick Hanson
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