The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Illuminating the Beautiful Qualities of the Heart - A Retreat for all self-identified Women of the Black African Diaspora

There is a deep well of vibrant and intuitive knowing that is alive in the bone memory of Black Women’s bodies. To recognize and revitalize the innate and beautiful qualities of tenderness, kindness, and joy that reside within the heart is to access the internal protection and ancestral wisdom and strength needed on the arduous journey towards liberation.

During this retreat we will practice silent meditation indoors and in nature. There will be periods of community building and wisdom sharing as well as Dharma talks, embodiment practices, meetings with teachers, and time for reflective, intentional rest to nourish and refresh the mind, heart and body. Through guided practices of self-love, compassion and a deepened connection to nature, we will illuminate the heart of strength and tenderness that resides within us all.

Shorter newsletter description (80 words):
There is a deep well of vibrant, intuitive knowing that is alive in the bone memory of Black Women’s bodies. In practicing silent meditation both indoors and in nature, this retreat for self-identified Black Women includes Dharma talks, embodiment practices, teacher meetings, and time for reflective, intentional rest to nourish the mind, heart, and body. Through guided practices of self-love, compassion, and deep connection to nature, we will illuminate the heart of strength and tenderness that resides within us all.

2024-04-14 (7 days) Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2024-04-17 Vedana (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:13:27
Konda Mason
2024-04-17 Mudita (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 44:57
Konda Mason
2024-04-19 Working with Hindrances as Doorways into Insight (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 64:39
Amana Brembry Johnson
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