The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Aging, Dying, & Awakening

In this retreat, we will explore aging and dying from the Buddhist perspective of meditative practice and awakening. Together, we’ll examine aging and death in our conventional lives and see what happens as we normalize these processes as part of the great letting go. How does the practice of letting go reveal the awakened heart?

This retreat will include meditation instructions, Dharma talks, and group meetings with teachers. There will also be one period of interactive contemplative inquiry each day during which we will investigate our own relationship to death. Otherwise, this retreat is silent outside of the mentioned above periods.

2024-09-14 (5 days) Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2024-09-15 This Life Giving Breath (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:53
JoAnna Hardy
Day one settling in the first foundation of mindfulness of breath and body sensations.
2024-09-15 Aging and Sickness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 50:41
Andrea Castillo
2024-09-16 Impermanence and Feeling Tone (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 54:50
Andrea Castillo
2024-09-16 Maranasati 2024 (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:42
Eugene Cash
Contemplating our mortality personally as well as learning how Buddhism utilizes Mindfulness of Death as a gateway to Awakening. The Advice to Anathapindika gifts us with the deeper teachings on letting go of attachment; letting go of our identity; letting go of life!
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