The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Christina Feldman's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Christina Feldman
What I teach is a reflection of the constantly changing nature of my own practice. When I give a talk it is not a set agenda, but something that I've been reflecting about. The talks tend to be in rhythm with my own practice.
2010-05-03 Contentment 50:57
Contentment forms part of the fabric of a liberated heart - cultivated in all moments of craving, restlessness and doubt.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Women in Meditation
2009-12-11 Compassion 52:42
Spirit Rock Meditation Center MBSR
2009-12-08 Wise Mindfulness 54:09
Spirit Rock Meditation Center MBSR
2009-12-05 Autobiography In Five Short Chapters 52:58
Spirit Rock Meditation Center MBSR
2009-05-07 Aloneness and Interconnectedness 43:57
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Womens Retreat
2009-05-05 Renunciation 48:04
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Womens Retreat
2009-05-03 Spaciousness 48:31
Spaciousness is the fruition of non clinging. It is a quality of ease that embraces all events, free of entanglement.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Womens Retreat
2008-05-08 Boundless & Connected 40:58
The themes of boundless loving kindness and the connectedness with nature are themes that run trhough womens' sacred literature, crossing cultures and time.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Women in Meditation
2008-05-06 Understanding The Judgmental Mind 50:37
The judgmental mind is a cause of deep suffering that can be understood and released
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Women in Meditation
2008-05-04 Precious Human Life 44:22
The contemplation of what makes our life precious brings commitment and a sense of urgency to our practice. It is learning to remember what is of enduring value in this fleeting, fragile life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Women in Meditation

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