The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Leslie Booker's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Leslie Booker
Booker brings her heart and wisdom to the intersection of Dharma, embodied practice, and activism. She began working with system-involved populations in 2005 and was a senior teacher and Director of Trainings with Lineage Project for 10 years, and facilitated an intervention on Riker's Island from 2009-2011 through NYU. Booker shares her expertise nationally on creating culturally responsive environments and changing the paradigm of self and community care. She has spoken at Mind&Life Institute’s International Symposium, Contemplative Minds in Higher Education, and Mindfulness in Education conferences, as well as at universities across the country. She is a co-founder of the Yoga Service Council at Omega Institute, and the Meditation Working Group of Occupy Wall Street. Booker is a co-author of Best Practices for Yoga in a Criminal Justice Setting, a contributor to Georgetown Law’s Center on Poverty and Inequality’s report on Gender & Trauma, YOGA: The Secret of Life, and Sharon Salzberg's book Happiness at Work. Booker is on faculty with the Engaged Mindfulness Institute and Off the Mat Into the World. She is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Mindful Yoga and Meditation training (2012), Community Dharma Leaders’ Training (2017), and will complete Spirit Rock’s Teacher Training in 2020.
2021-09-22 Refuge in Sangha 47:47
Reflections on what it has meant to find true refuge, by experiencing the generosity of Sangha through grief, through isolation and through their wisdom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding True Refuge: A retreat for LGBT*QI2 and GNC Communities.
2021-06-10 The Joy of Recognizing the Hindrances 46:30
When we can turn towards this perceived obstacle...we can see that hindrances are not in the way at all, but rather an opportunity to practice joy in the recognition of them.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening Joy: Opening to Your Natural State of Well-Being
2021-06-09 The Joy of Collective Liberation 50:22
Knowing joy through faith, gratitude, and courage.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awakening Joy: Opening to Your Natural State of Well-Being
2021-01-26 Regulating the nervous system through the Elements 38:27
Morning instructions
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Heavenly Messengers: Awakening through Illness, Aging, and Death with Debra Chamberlin-Taylor, Bonnie Duran, PhD, Leslie Booker and Eugene Cash
2021-01-25 The Pathology of Racism 39:04
Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Heavenly Messengers: Awakening through Illness, Aging, and Death with Debra Chamberlin-Taylor, Bonnie Duran, PhD, Leslie Booker and Eugene Cash
2020-07-26 BIPOC Voices 46:16
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series
2019-09-21 Day 5 Dharma Talk (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:12:46
with Leslie Booker, Vinny Ferraro, Wes Nisker
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation
2019-09-19 What I Learned From a Dead Whale (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 27:02
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation
2017-10-14 Day 4 AM Practice and teachings (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:13:43
Open Awareness
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Empty Mind Full Heart
2017-10-13 Day 3 AM Yoga and Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:36:23
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Embodying Awakening - Yoga and Meditation

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