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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Howard Cohn's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Howard Cohn
The more I rest in present awareness, and don't separate myself out from life, the more I appreciate the impact that I have on others. Only when I am present am I sensitive to my connection to the world, am I able to feel how important it is to be non-harming in my words and actions. When I am lost in thought, I lose that simplicity and sensitivity.
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2017-02-26 The Wings of Awakening: Wisdom and Compassion, afternoon session (Daylong at Spirit Rock) 2:23:17
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2017-01-07 Dharma Duet: The Essential Teachings of the Buddha (Retreat at Spirit Rock) Howard Cohn and Heather Martin 56:30
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma Meditation Retreat
2017-01-07 Instructions and Sitting Meditation Day 3 (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 39:33
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma Meditation Retreat
2017-01-06 You Are What You Are Looking For (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 64:02
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma Meditation Retreat
2017-01-05 Instructions and Sitting Meditation Day 1 (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 39:46
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma Meditation Retreat
2017-01-04 Opening Night Talk (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:12:54
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma Meditation Retreat
2016-12-10 Spirit Rock, The Buddha's Path of Well-Being and Happiness 6:50:32
The Buddha was called 'the Happy One'. His teachings and path provide a clear and inspiring vision of our capacity to use our life to fulfill our goal of happiness. This talk of Insight Meditation will follow the Buddha's Way of mindfulness, concentration and love, illustrating how each of us, through a gradual process of applying loving awareness to our moment-to-moment experience, can move from clinging and attachment to letting go and freedom, from confusion to clarity, and from tension to ease of well-being.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2016-10-12 You are Worthy of Respect 63:38
The Importance of self compassion and self respect in the face of The Four Noble Truths.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center An Undefended Heart
2016-09-03 The Highest Happiness 64:44
Navigating the four truths as the path of happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Insight meditation Retreat
2016-09-02 Loving Kindness Practice 31:30
Short description of the Bhrama Viharas leading into initial guided Metta, including body, self, benefactor.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Insight meditation Retreat

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