The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jack Kornfield's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Jack Kornfield
Over the years of teaching, I've found a growing need for profound lovingkindness and compassion--a transformation of the heart--to underlie the insights and understandings that come out of the practice. An opening of the mind needs to be supported by compassion from the heart if the practice is to be integrated, fulfilled, and lived in our lives.
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1987-02-01 On Hunger 58:36
how to relate to the hunger in our lives: hunger of the body, of the mind, for contact, to do, to be something, to grow
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1986-12-31 Using The Practice For Healing 57:10
healing ourselves and our earth by opening to our own difficulties
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1986-04-01 Guiding Your Own Practice 55:37
making peace with the many styles of meditation practice, deciding for oneself the appropriate practice for where one is at now
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1986-04-01 Happiness And Joy In Practice 58:03
living in the present, knowing, the joys of caring for everything, of giving, of steadying the mind, and of wisdom
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1986-03-23 A Wise Heart 30:37
finding a place in our being that really wants to understand what life and death are about; listening to our heart as we act in life
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1986-03-03 Finding Your Own Goodness 41:48
taking refuge in our Buddha-nature, our basic goodness; having faith in the human heart that can overcome suffering
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1986-01-02 All We Need To Know 60:10
beyond "all knowing" there is wisdom, freedom and compassion to be found in every heart
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1985-03-01 Practice In Daily Life: Right Understanding 55:28
Knowing the possibility of awakening, in this very life of ours our journey begins.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1984-10-01 Practice In Daily Life: Right Concentration 57:27
The art of steadying our attention brings an ease of well-being and leads to deeper levels of insight and connectedness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1984-09-01 Practice In Daily Life: Right Effort 40:55
Right effort means directing the energy of our lives to cultivate those states of mind that lead to happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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