The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

BIPOC Voices - Series

2020-01-01 (4750 days) Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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2020-07-26 BIPOC Voices 46:16
Leslie Booker
2021-05-30 Stillness in the Midst of the Winds 61:30
Tuere Sala
2021-07-04 Practicing in Urban Life 59:01
Tuere Sala
2021-10-31 The Elements: Why They are Important in Practice 48:37
Tuere Sala
2021-11-21 Anger and Patience 55:35
Leslie Booker
2022-02-20 Love and Compassion in the Midst of Dominance 52:24
Leslie Booker
2022-03-20 Enmei Jukku/Well-being Chant Meditation 20:33
Rev. Keiryu Lien Shutt
This meditation is offered as a support to the situation in the Ukraine and the 1-year commemoration of the Atlanta shootings. Incorporating phrases from Soto Zen's Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo chant resonate in our meditation. It's a chant used to ask for support from the Bodhisattva of Compassion Kannon/Kanzeon.
2022-04-17 Wise Discernment: Making Tough Compassionate Choices 1:15:36
Mushim Ikeda
2022-04-24 Change, Impermanence, and Gliding Through Life's Transitions 30:03
Pawan Bareja
2022-04-24 Gliding through Life Transitions 56:47
Pawan Bareja
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