The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Meditation and Yoga

2008-11-14 (8 days) Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2008-11-15 Simply Waiting 55:49
Howard Cohn
4 Noble Truths and 8-Fold Path in 50 minutes
2008-11-16 Mindfulness Of The Body 53:37
Mark Coleman
Mindfulness of the body as a vehicle of awakening - this talk explores what's challenging about being in the body - working with physical pain, difficult emotions, and how mindfulness practice helps bring insight and ease.
2008-11-19 Metta - The Practice Of Kindness 58:13
Mark Coleman
This talk gives a thorough overview of the practice and application of metta (unconditional love). Also explored is the unity of mindfulness and metta, and how when metta is cultivated it becomes a source of wisdom in our lives.
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