Using the Satipatthana Sutta as a guide, we explore the first three practices of mindfulness of the body. We point to the great traditional and contemporary importance of mindfulness of the body, and suggest a number of ways to practice in daily life.
A second examination of mindfulness of the body with some review of last time, and a focus on the six core practices of mindfulness of the body --breath, postures, activities, body parts, elements, and decaying body.
We explore 1. Why attention to feeling-tone is so crucial for our practice and freedom; 2. the nature of the feeling-tones of pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral; and 3. seven ways to practice with feeling-tone.
After a brief review of the First and Second Foundations, we explore the Third Foundation: 1. as mindfulness of thoughts and emotions, and 2. as mindfulness of the presence or absence of greed, hatred and delusion, offering a number of practices for both.