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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
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Deepening Daily Life Practice 3: Practicing with the Eight Worldly Winds
2021-07-28 Deepening Daily Life Practice 3: Practicing with the Eight Worldly Winds 68:43
Donald Rothberg
We begin with a review of the last two sessions related to deepening daily life practice, including identifying some of the challenges of contemporary daily life practice and some basic ways of deepening such practice, the importance for such practice of mindfulness of the body, and the centrality of practicing with reactivity (based on looking closely at the sequence from contact to grasping or pushing away). We then, for the rest of the session, explore the teaching of the Eight Worldly Winds (pleasure or pain, gain or loss, fame or disrepute, and praise or blame) as a way of looking out for eight specific experiences that are likely to lead to reactivity. In all of this, we focus on how we might learn from and respond skillfully to such challenging situations rather than simply react in a largely unconscious and habitual way. The talk is followed by a discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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