The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Guided Meditation on Feeling-Tone, the Second Foundation of Mindfulness
2024-11-27 Guided Meditation on Feeling-Tone, the Second Foundation of Mindfulness 40:14
Donald Rothberg
After setting the posture and tuning into intentions, we have a short period of settling, typically through the breath or some other anchor. Then there is guidance to tune into the feeling-tone, especially when there is a "moderate" level pleasant or unpleasant feeling-tone, noticing tendencies to move to wanting/not-wanting or grasping/pushing away--the two forms of reactivity. We can also, when there is reactivity, tune into the pleasant or unpleasant "beneath" the reactivity, finding, for example, some compassion when there is underlying pain. Near the end, we also explore being with all feeling-tones for a very short period of a few minutes.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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