The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Lila Kate Wheeler's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Lila Kate Wheeler
Kate Lila Wheeler began teaching meditation in the mid-1980s and continues to practice with teachers in Theravada and Tibetan Buddhist lineages. Writing is an important part of her life; she has recently completed a second novel.
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2012-04-22 Effort - Touching the Ground of Being 55:45
Being present when experience gets challenging - touching the actual present moment.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spring Insight Meditation Retreat
2011-03-28 Equanimity- Touching What Is Fragile 45:55
Contact with fragility -- a sane way to live. Some Abhidhamma, some Brahmaviharas; a little of this, a little of that...
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retereat
2011-03-22 Impermanence of the Aggregates 51:27
Deepening practice by discerning the aggregates and their impermanent nature.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retereat
2011-03-16 All My Relations -- Kindness as Enlightenment Practice 53:07
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retereat
2011-03-08 Thank Yourself/Mindfulness 55:07
Mindfulness-various aspects useful in practice and for facing the dilemma of our lives.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong Retereat
2010-10-30 Parami of Virtue 1:11:07
Virtue is innate and how it functions to deepen wisdom and find joy.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat
2010-10-25 Parami of Truthfulness - Living the Truth 64:43
The power of truthfulness in life and how it infuses meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat

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