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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Grove Burnett's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Grove Burnett
2017-06-06 Being Present: The Fundamentals (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 38:49
A practical discussion of the basics of the practice of mindfulness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation
2016-07-09 Change is not Wrong! 37:02
It is not what happens in life that is important. It is what your relationship to it that is important.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation: A Buddhist Insight Meditation Retreat
2016-07-07 Thinking Does Not Lead to Wisdom 44:24
According to a recent Harvard study, the wandering mind is the cause, not the consequence of our unhappiness. And the "doing mind" - analytical reasoning, problem solving, figuring things out - does not lead to wisdom!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation: A Buddhist Insight Meditation Retreat
2015-05-20 Developing a Wise Relationship with Change 47:56
Change, evolutionary biology, and the sixth extinction.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation: A Buddhist Insight Meditation Retreat
2014-06-05 Developing a Wise Relationship to the Flow of Change 51:36
Or -- It is not what we are faced with in life that is really important but how we handle it.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Aging as Spiritual Opportunity
2013-06-26 Stuck in Doing Mode of Mind: Shift Gears! 39:08
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation: A Buddhist Insight Meditation Retreat
2012-06-24 The Mind is an Interpretation Machine 47:21
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation
2012-06-22 The Doing & Being Modes of Mind 38:41
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Liberation

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