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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Heather Martin's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Heather Martin
Heather Martin has been meditating since 1972, and practicing Vipassana since 1981. Beginning with S.N. Goenka, she has since been influenced by both Burmese and Thai streams of the Theravada tradition, and by Tibetan Dzogchen with Tsoknyi Rinpoche. Most recently she has been studying with Burmese Sayadaw U Tejaniya.
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2017-01-06 Instructions and Sitting Meditation Day 2 (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 38:36
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma Meditation Retreat
2017-01-05 Desperate Consumerism (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 58:26
There are two minds
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma Meditation Retreat
2016-12-03 Guided Unbounded Metta Meditation 41:20
Contacting our tenderness, through some sweet little stories, and then allowing that heart quality to expand everywhere, in all directions excluding nothing and no being at all.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart
2016-12-02 The Journey of Practice, and the Art of Staying 67:02
Some of the beacons in the unfolding of Heather's practice journey, and the deep trust that grows when we are able to stay with our direct experience.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart
2016-12-01 A Guided Meditation on Passive Friendliness 24:36
A guided session. We can forget that there's a whole range of qualities of friendliness that are non-doing or passive. Listening, caring, empathizing, respecting, allowing, appreciating, honoring and more.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart
2016-11-30 Mind-Mind and Heart-Mind 62:53
Their respective functions and how integrating them brings real well being.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart
2016-07-20 Day 7 Morning Sit with Instructions: Metta for All Beings 36:57
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat
2016-07-19 Metta Practice Grows: From Doing Metta to Being Metta 60:39
From immediate and personal to vast and all inclusive, immeasurable, boundless; how we enable this growth in our practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat
2016-07-18 Day 5 Afternoon Sit with Instructions: Mudita Practice 47:26
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat
2016-07-16 Day 3 Morning Sit with Instructions: Metta for Easy Person 37:14
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta Retreat

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