The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Jack Kornfield's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Jack Kornfield
Over the years of teaching, I've found a growing need for profound lovingkindness and compassion--a transformation of the heart--to underlie the insights and understandings that come out of the practice. An opening of the mind needs to be supported by compassion from the heart if the practice is to be integrated, fulfilled, and lived in our lives.
1998-11-09 10 Perfections #7 - Perfection of Truth 61:04
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-11-02 10 Perfections #6 - Perfection of Patience 57:52
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-10-19 10 Perfections #5 - Perfection of Wisdom 57:17
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-10-05 10 Perfections # 4 - Perfection of Energy 50:28
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-09-28 10 Perfections #3 58:58
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-09-21 Virtue and the Virtuous 64:17
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-04-16 The Sacred Journey 57:58
explains the deep process of undertaking a spiritual journey (date may also be 12-31-95?)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-04-11 Awareness Of Feelings 58:15
knowing the pleasant, unpleasant and neutral feelings within our hearts and minds
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-03-30 The Three Vehicles 56:03
exploring the stages of growth in our own hearts
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1997-10-13 Being Aware Of The Mind 61:37
Observing the mind with awareness, understanding the thought process and resting in pure consciousness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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