The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
2014-03-09 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day workshop with James Baraz and Elad Levinson 27:17
James Baraz talking about Kalyana Mitta, exploring the idea, "What is 'Spiritual Friendship'?" The word "Mitta" is related to "Metta" or lovingkindness. Mitta means friend, Kalyana is Spiritual. So, KM is a Spiritual Friends group. This term is particularly used in the Theravada tradition to talk about the relationship we have with each other to have that third refuge in the sangha really flourish
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2014-03-09 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day workshop with James Baraz and Elad Levinson 55:30
Intro to the KM half day by James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2014-03-09 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day workshop with James Baraz and Elad Levinson 24:56
Elad Levinson talks about the importance of building agreement among KM group members.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 1 25:58
This half-day workshop was designed for the hosts, leaders, potential leaders and participants in Kalyana Mitta (KM) groups. Spirit Rock is looking for additional facilitators and hosts to create new groups and connect people with the KM program. Contact for more information or to find out about our next KM workshop.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 2 7:47
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 3 59:27
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 4 33:31
This half-day workshop was designed for the hosts, leaders, potential leaders and participants in Kalyana Mitta (KM) groups. Spirit Rock is looking for additional facilitators and hosts to create new groups and connect people with the KM program. Contact for more information or to find out about our next KM workshop.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2011-01-30 Kalyana Mitta / Dharma Friends Facilitators Workshop: Part 1 of 3 1:31
Workshop for current and potential Kalyana Mitta / Dharma Friends facilitators or hosts.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Kalyana Mitta / Dharma Friends Facilitators Workshop at the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery.
2011-01-30 Kalyana Mitta / Dharma Friends Facilitators Workshop: Part 2 of 3 1:28:51
Workshop for current and potential Kalyana Mitta / Dharma Friends facilitators or hosts.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Kalyana Mitta / Dharma Friends Facilitators Workshop at the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery.
2011-01-30 Kalyana Mitta / Dharma Friends Facilitators Workshop: Part 3 of 3 29:31
Workshop for current or potential Kalyana Mitta / Dharma Friends facilitators or hosts.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Kalyana Mitta / Dharma Friends Facilitators Workshop at the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery.

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