The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2013-06-09 Closing Dhamma Reflection - Resting into Simplicity 1:40:48
On this renunciant retreat, we have been encouraged to rest back into simplicity. Letting go of the emotional uprisings and self-identification, shift into the presence of embodiment here and now. Here we find the capacity that’s able to be with and not waiver.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-09 Unplugging and Letting Go 40:28
We practice to develop skillful reflexes in response to our human condition. Use body as a reference point when unplugging from mind’s unskillful habits and reactions. Meditation is an occasion to sense the quality of ungrasping and letting go.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-08 Practicing with the Impossible 54:25
Mind can be useful, but keep it in its place, the world of abstractions. It doesn’t do well in the living organic world. Meet the inconclusive impossibilities of life with heart’s fundamental quality to open and include.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-07 Laying Down Tracks for New Kamma 66:50
A review of the key teachings – how to practice with body, heart and mind in a way that leads to liberation. Firming up faith, restraining from unskillful habits, exerting the mind in skillful investigations, enjoyment and contentment of the mind.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-07 Cultivation of Insight 61:04
The development of insight comes from feeling experience as it arises. Detachment, dispassion and relinquishment enable the allowing of phenomena, witnessing of change, and letting go of making it personal. We’re able to be truly present and in touch with what’s happening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-06 Be the One Who Listens to the Crazy Mind 63:03
The beginning of insight is knowing what’s helpful and not, recognizing causes and conditions. We learn to meet difficult thoughts and feelings in skillful ways. Calming the body, using gentle and receptive gestures, we learn to listen to and soothe the crazy mind. One starts to see that negative experiences are not the problem but the sense of self that identifies with all of it.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-05 Learn to Meet What Arises 58:57
We’re conditioned to make a self out of sense consciousness, but everything simply arises out of causes and conditions. We practice with right view and deep attention to meet what arises directly, see it as phenomena arising and changing.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-05 Keep Your Wits about You 62:11
We use a meditation theme like mindfulness of breathing to bring about the factors of awakening. These factors are not things we can do, they come about under the right conditions. Tend to the heart and body energies, bringing them together to hold your ground against the hinderances and make way for the factors of awakening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-05 Be the Knower of the Worlds 34:02
As we begin our meditation, establish a reference that helps us to be with rather than be in. Be the ‘knower of the worlds’, aware of the danger and getting stuck. Body can be that reference, it gives a sense of here-ness. Widen awareness and be choosy with attention.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat
2013-06-04 Guided Meditation: Mindfulness of Breathing 63:59
Breathing gets conditioned by how we live our lives – energy can be mottled and unbalanced. It is a signifier of the heart. We can take time during retreat to take samādhi as a way of life, unifying body, heart and mind to bring into fruition the factors of awakening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Holistic Awareness: A Monastic Dana Retreat

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