The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2011-06-02 Deep Listening and Speech Practice in Challenging Situations 60:37
Donald Rothberg
The essence of speech practice in difficult situations is to find ways to stay connected, in one's inner experience and use of speech, to our awareness, love, and wisdom. We focus on a number of supports for such practice, including grounding and centering in the body, being open to difficulties as opportunities for learning, understanding the judgmental mind, and, especially, cultivating deep listening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness, Wise Speech, and Compassionate Communication

2011-06-01 The Heart that Feels 53:22
Oren Jay Sofer
Exploring the cultivation of the heart and empathy in the context of wise speech practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2011-05-31 Working with Thought and Emotions as a Foundation for Speech Practice 53:04
Donald Rothberg
Skillful practice with thoughts and emotions is explored, including (1) taking responsibility for our experience, (2) finding balance if we are reactive and out of balance, (3) using mindfulness to investigate thoughts and emotions, and (4) making connections between these approaches and our speech practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness, Wise Speech, and Compassionate Communication

2011-05-30 Wisdom 55:37
Mark Coleman
What is wisdom - How do we cultivate an experiential, lived wisdom in our lives, so we live wisely in our relationships with ourselves, each other and the world...
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2011-05-30 Wise Speech and the Path of Awakening 54:33
Donald Rothberg
We explore (1) the importance of speech practice; (2) its place in the path of awakening; (3) the nature of awakening and the path to awakening; and (4) the specific teachings on speech from the Buddha, particularly on the four ethical guidelines of truthfulness, helpfulness, kindness, and appropriateness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness, Wise Speech, and Compassionate Communication

2011-05-28 Mindfulness of the Body, Part 2 27:16
Mark Coleman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2011-05-28 Mindfulness of the Body, Part 1 42:01
Mark Coleman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2011-05-26 The Gifts of Retreat Practice 55:55
Gil Fronsdal
Guest speaker Gil Fronsdal shares his reflections on the benefit of retreat practice and the vision for his new Retreat Center in Scotts Valley: Insight Retreat Center.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center IMCB Regular Talks

2011-05-26 'The Four Heavenly Messengers" 31:57
Ayya Santacitta
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 'The Marriage of Being and Doing': Monastic Retreat with the Saranaloka Nuns

2011-05-25 Equanimity in Action IV - Committed Action, Non-Attachment to Outcome. 50:52
Donald Rothberg
After considering how cultivating equanimity helps us to release and find balance with our conditioned patterns, we explore the powerful principle expressed by T.S. Elliot as "Ours is in the trying, the rest is not our business."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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