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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2023-02-25 (29 days) Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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2023-03-16 Guided Meditation on Deepening, Quieting, and Equanimity (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 54:12
Dana DePalma
A guided meditation emphasizing deepening, quieting, grounding, letting ourselves be held by nature, and shifting to a deeper and wiser perspective in support of equanimity, a balanced heart-mind. It includes a poem by Mary Oliver, "Swimming, One Day in August."
2023-03-16 Cultivating the Paramis from the Perspective of Wisdom (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 63:25
Phillip Moffitt
A talk on the 3 Group approach to the Paramis from the perspective of wisdom. The first group provides a protective base for meditation practice, the second group encourages a dynamic vigor, the third group enhances mind and heart for meditation practice.
2023-03-17 Guided Meditation: Abiding in Space (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:27
Phillip Moffitt
A guided meditation utilizing the naturally arising, felt-sense approach to abiding in space. Directly experiencing the fifth element through a gradual process.
2023-03-18 Patience and Persistence (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 58:03
Dana DePalma
The paramis of patience and persistence play key roles in supporting our capacity to stay with the ups and downs of practice without succumbing to reactivity, judgement, or discouragement. This talk explores the active quality of persistence, the receptive quality of patience, and how they compliment each other in support of untangling the tangles of heart and mind in this gradual path.
2023-03-19 Protections and Supports of Metta on the Path (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 61:11
JD Doyle
Metta as the vehicle for the sure hearts release with insight from bell hooks and others.
2023-03-20 Balancing the Brahma Viharas for Insight and Samadhi (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:33
Phillip Moffitt
A guided meditation utilizing the naturally arising, felt-sense practice method to explore how to abide in the Brama Viharas to deepen your practice.
2023-03-22 Dharma Talk (Retreat at Spirit Rock) Stilling the Storm - Watering the joy of another increases our joy and happiness. Intertwined with social justice. 64:02
Tuere Sala
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