The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Metta Retreat

Metta is the Pali term for friendship or lovingkindness. In this retreat we will develop metta as a meditation practice which cultivates our natural capacity for an open and loving heart, along with the practices of compassion, joy and equanimity. Metta practice leads to greater acceptance of ourselves and others, revealing our fundamental connectedness to all life.

2007-07-13 (8 days) Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2007-07-15 Metta As Purification 65:43
Heather Martin
As we settle more into our hearts, we find our beauty. How to hold them all in friendship.
2007-07-16 Forgiveness 59:10
James Baraz
Forgiveness is an essential part of Metta practice so that the heart can stay open and the kindness flows out easily. In this talk forgiveness toward ourselves, asking and extending forgiveness with others and forgiveness towards life are explored.
2007-07-19 "Calling All Bodhisattvas" 58:39
James Baraz
We are not practicing for ourselves alone. Everyone benefits from the fruits of our practice. This talk explores how to actively and skillfully express our compassion, held with equanimity, in the world.
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