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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Tempel Smith's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Tempel Smith
Tempel Smith spent a year ordained as a monk in Burma and teaches Buddhist psychology and social activism in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is currently part of the IMS/Spirit Rock Teacher Training Program.
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2012-08-18 Morning Instructions: Day Five 55:41
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat
2012-08-16 Deepening Concentration Through Contentment 60:48
Through developing the jhana factors of piti, sukha and ekaggata (delight, contentment and one-pointedness) we can open a deeper ability to absorb with our breath.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat
2012-08-14 Morning Instructions Day One 61:10
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Concentration Retreat
2012-08-08 Morning Instructions, 2nd Day Primary and Secondary Objects 39:02
Using the breath as an anchor or primary object, we can visit other experiences arising in the present moment.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Retreat for Young Adults
2012-05-26 Renunciation as Right Intention 3:16:53
Of the three forms of right intention, renunciation helps overcome greed, craving and clinging. Renunciation also helps with cultivating simplicity and ease, and allows us to taste the deep contentment born out of emptiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living Dharma: The Noble Eightfold Path
2012-05-24 Right View and Dependent Origination 1:34:51
The teaching on Dependent Origination shows us how craving and suffering arise from wrong understanding and a lawful process of cause and effect. By bringing wisdom and awareness to each step in this chain reaction, we uproot craving and bring an end to suffering.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Living Dharma: The Noble Eightfold Path
2011-11-05 The Importance of Equanimity in Action 57:58
From small to large actions, the presence of equanimity is important for clear seeing and compassionate responses.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Towards a Secular Buddhism
2011-11-01 A New Paradigm 62:18
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Towards a Secular Buddhism
2011-11-01 A New Paradigm 62:18
Through a greater self understanding brought about through mindfulness, we can live in alignment with anicca, dukka and anatta. Becoming aligned in the New Paradigm allows our frustrations with life to cease arising.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Towards a Secular Buddhism
2011-09-29 The Road Ahead 52:29
When we end a retreat we have the opportunity to bring the power of our path and practice out into the world. This talk covers the 8-Fold path
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Unifying the Practice of Concentration, Mindfulness and Insight

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