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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Margarita Loinaz's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Margarita Loinaz
Margarita Loinaz, M.D. has been a Buddhist practitioner since 1977 in the Tibetan and Theravada traditions with an emphasis on Dzogchen practice for the past 10 years. She is a graduate of the first Community Dharma Leader's program at SRMC where she contributed to the initial stages of the diversity program and taught at the first POC retreat. She also trained in MBSR at the UMass Stress Reduction Clinic and is a student of the Diamond Approach. She is originally from Dominican Republic.
2022-08-01 Embodiment and the Dharma Continuum 59:21
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2020-07-04 Open Awareness 37:22
Sit with Instructions
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating the Wisdom of the Heart - Annual People of Color (POC) Retreat
2020-07-03 Upekkha 57:23
Morning Meditation Heart Practices, Brahmaviharas
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating the Wisdom of the Heart - Annual People of Color (POC) Retreat
2020-06-30 Refuges, Meaning, and Awareness 50:50
Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating the Wisdom of the Heart - Annual People of Color (POC) Retreat
2015-10-04 Coming Back Into the Earth’s Embrace (Margarita Loinaz and Patricia St. Onge co-present) 52:59
Throughout the world, we are living in cultures of domination and the legacy of colonialism and slavery. The beliefs we have inherited living within these cultures have caused a deep disconnection within our souls and with all that we consider “other.” Drawing from Indigenous cultures and our Buddhist practice, we will be exploring ways to expand our perspective and open possibilities of greater understanding, connection and intimacy with our dear Earth and all the Beings that share this precious home.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center A Day of Connection: Sustainable Practice for a Sustainable World
2014-04-20 We are the Earth 29:05
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Loving the Earth: Awareness, Action and Celebration
In collection: Loving the Earth: Awareness, Action and Celebration
2014-04-20 Loving the Earth: Awareness, Action and Celebration 3:41:25
with Ayya Anandabodhi, Ayya Santussika, David Loy, Jack Kornfield, Margarita Loinaz, Wes Nisker
2014-04-20 (1 day) Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Loving the Earth: Awareness, Action and Celebration
In collection: One Earth Sangha
2013-09-28 Who Are We? - A Day of Inclusion - Part 2 25:38
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-09-28 Who Are We? - A Day of Inclusion - Part 1 48:21
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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