The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Devon Hase's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Devon Hase
devon hase loves long retreats. Cumulatively, she’s spent four years in silent practice in the Insight and Vajrayana traditions. Since discovering meditation in 2000, she has put dharma and community at the center of her life: she spent a decade bringing mindfulness to high school and college classrooms and now teaches at the Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock, and other centers around the world. She enjoys supporting practitioners with personal mentoring, and her friendly, conversational approach centers relational practice and the natural world. Along with her life partner nico, devon co-authored How Not to Be a Hot Mess: A Buddhist Survival Guide for Modern Life. She continues to spend a good part of the time in wilderness retreat in Oregon, Massachusetts, and elsewhere. For more, visit
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2025-02-24 How Emptiness Reveals Love 60:21
Reflections on emptiness as taught by the Buddha (Bahiya, Rohitassa, Rahula). And how this reveals a deep and abiding compassionate kind of love for ourselves, all beings, and the world. Invitation to the Devas paritta chant with Dawn Scott at the beginning.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat
2025-02-17 Short Satipatthana Reflection 57:27
Teachings on all Four Foundations of the Satipatthana Sutta leading into a silent sit.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat
2025-02-16 Piti and Passaddhi 55:50
Teachings on Liberative Dependent Co-Arising, with a focus on Piti leading into Passaddhi. References to Joseph Goldstein, Mingyur Rinpoche, and Disney's Sword in the Stone.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat
2025-02-12 Mindfulness of Strong Emotions 58:57
Instructions and guided practice on meditating with strong emotions - light RAIN with somatic experiencing using orienting, titrating, and pendulating.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat
2025-02-09 Doubt and Delusion 65:25
Teachings on how to recognize delusion and its sub-category of doubt.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat
2025-02-09 Teachings on Second and Third Foundations of Mindfulness 58:55
Short talk followed by a guided meditation on working with vedana in the mind. How to practice with thoughts and their machinations in the third foundation of mindfulness from the Satipatthana Sutta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat
2025-02-06 Metta for Yourself (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 48:26
Teachings on how to practice metta for ourselves, including poetry by Jane Hirshfield and a story by Father Gregory Boyle. Guided practice in receiving care and sending love to our younger self.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat
2025-02-05 Instructions on Noting (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:18
A brief overview of noting practice as done using sounds, body, or breath as our primary anchor. Description of how to use perception (sañña) as the proximate cause for a moment of mindfulness to arise, followed by a silent 30 min meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat
2025-02-02 The Gradual Path (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 50:51
Teachings on entering the gradual training: Sila, Dana, Bhavana, Pañña. Stories, poems, the works.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center 2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat
2025-01-11 Generosity Is the Answer 29:10
A talk focused on Dana Parami and its role in recognizing Nibbana. The discussion highlighted the importance of removing obscurations to reveal awareness, wisdom, and love. Devon explained how Paramis helped clear the way and emphasized the interdependence of giving and receiving. Practical aspects of generosity were addressed, including maintaining healthy boundaries and understanding motivations. Personal stories and reflections were shared to illustrate different types of giving and the long-term benefits of a generous mindset. Devon encouraged participants to practice generosity in daily life and highlighted the profound impact of living with an open heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spirit Rock - Rainbow Sangha

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