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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

A Day of Connection: Sustainable Practice for a Sustainable World

Today we launch the third year of Earth Care Week. All dharma practitioners who consider caring for the Earth an important part of their Dharma practice are welcome. In addition, we are inviting the extended community of Bay Area "green sanghas" to participate in the day, including Green Sangha, the Spirit Rock Green Groups, the Green Gulch Ecosattvas, IMCB Green Committee and others.

When we hold each other's hands we know that we're not alone. We draw strength from our connection and invite others to join with us. That is how meaningful change can happen. That's what makes "Refuge in Sangha" a source of inspiration and possibility.

Today we'll explore how taking action for the planet can be a rich dharma practice that brings out the best in ourselves and in others. We will practice wise balance between the inner practices that so support us and the outer actions that we need to take to sustain the planet. We'll express caring and love for the earth in ways that meaningfully addresses the issue, while having fun along the way. We hope you will join us!

2015-10-04 (1 day) Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2015-10-04 Introduction to A Day of Connectoin 18:43
James Baraz
2015-10-04 Coming Back Into the Earth’s Embrace (Margarita Loinaz and Patricia St. Onge co-present) 52:59
Margarita Loinaz
Throughout the world, we are living in cultures of domination and the legacy of colonialism and slavery. The beliefs we have inherited living within these cultures have caused a deep disconnection within our souls and with all that we consider “other.” Drawing from Indigenous cultures and our Buddhist practice, we will be exploring ways to expand our perspective and open possibilities of greater understanding, connection and intimacy with our dear Earth and all the Beings that share this precious home.
2015-10-04 Harvest Time (A Short Play) 13:20
Naomi Newman
Ruthie, a sensitive teen-ager, does something extreme to shock people into paying attention to what is happening to the planet. Her family is outraged. She needs her grandmother, more than anyone, to understand and support her.
2015-10-04 Sustained by Small Wise Efforts 47:47
Kerry Nelson
It is through taking small action steps that we are able to keep heading into the wind of the climate crisis, not trying to take on too much, but not giving up either. Kerry introduces seven Bay Area Buddhist climate action groups that share their work and stories. Co-presenters are Helga Kauffman, Sean Munding, Betsy Griffith, Susan Orr, Ayya Santussika, Devi Peri. Groups represented: Green Sangha, the Staff Green Group at Spirit Rock, Community Green Group at Spirit Rock, the Ecosattvas at Green Gulch, Green Sangha IMCB, Sacramento Climate Sangha, and the Buddhist Climate Action Network.
2015-10-04 Sustained by the Gladness of the Wholesome 28:28
James Baraz
Wise effort includes developing and maintaining and increasing wholesome states. When anger and outrage are the source of our action we’re headed towards burnout and despair. When we come from caring and love, our actions are not only energizing for us but magnetizing for others.
2015-10-04 Sustained by Sangha 24:24
Ayya Santussika
It is through taking action together that we wield power and experience relief, especially as we expand our notion of sangha beyond the usual boundaries, to all faiths, to all people taking action in accordance with our shared values of compassion, justice and peace. And we bring our own quintessential flavor, our Buddhist practice, our confidence in the Dharma and our commitment to face the way things actually are.
2015-10-04 From Separation to Seamless Reality 31:37
At the core of our climate crisis, is the dualistic mind that continually generates an ‘other’ that is ‘out there,’ distorting the reality of deep inter-being. From economic systems founded in colonialism, slavery, and servitude, the mindset of ‘less important lives’ fuels a process of abuse that is now killing our living planet. How can our practice inform us as we stop the madness, and enter the journey of reclamation, healing, resistance and activism.
2015-10-04 A Helping Hand (Short Play) 12:35
Naomi Newman
A determined reproductive physiologist is intimately involved with her recalcitrant subject—a Hawaiian crow. An event occurs that leaves them both wondering who is rescuing whom.
2015-10-04 How to be an Earthling 30:09
Wes Nisker
Stories celebrating our experience as Earthlings. Earth days (and Earth Care days) are not just a call to “do something” to heal our damaged eco-systems, but more of a spiritual exercise, a time to celebrate all life, regardless of kingdom, phyla, or species: regardless of color of skin, feathers, fur, flowers, leaves or bark. This is a time to reflect on our connection to this planet, and to embrace our basic identity as "earthlings.”
2015-10-04 Closing the Day 14:12
James Baraz
Naomi Newman and James Baraz close the day with a Kabbalist creation story, and guided meditation.
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