The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Tuere Sala's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Tuere Sala
Tuere Sala is a Guiding Teacher at Seattle Insight Meditation Society and Spirit Rock Retreat Center. She is a retired prosecuting attorney who has practiced Vipassana meditation for over 30 years. Tuere is committed to lay practice and inspired by bringing the Dharma to nontraditional places. She is a strong advocate for practitioners living with high stress, past trauma and difficulties sitting still. Tuere has been teaching since 2010 and has a long history of assisting others in establishing and maintaining a daily practice. Tuere can be contacted at and at
2023-04-23 7 Factors of Compassion - Investigation/Energy (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 54:11
In this retreat, we will be looking at compassion through the lens of the 7 Factors of Awakening. We are calling it the 7 Factors of Compassion and we'll be exploring how a compassionate response to each of the factors supports awakening. Tonight I am exploring the intersection of compassion and mindfulness, investigation, and energy.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat
2023-03-22 Dharma Talk (Retreat at Spirit Rock) Stilling the Storm - Watering the joy of another increases our joy and happiness. Intertwined with social justice. 64:02
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat
2023-03-14 Right Effort in the Subtle Realm (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 64:41
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat
2023-03-13 Brahmavihara Practice - Compassion (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:38
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat
2023-03-09 Morning Instructions - Thoughts (Retreat at Spirit rock) 56:35
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat
2023-03-07 I am not I - Understanding the 5 Aggregates (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:26
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat
2023-03-03 Morning Instructions - Vedena (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:09
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat
2023-03-02 The Sacredness of the Hindrances (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 66:16
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat
2023-02-28 Afternoon Sit with Brahma Vihara Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:20
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat
2023-02-26 Day 1/Morning Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:34
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

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