The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Tuere Sala's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Tuere Sala
Tuere Sala is a Guiding Teacher at Seattle Insight Meditation Society and Spirit Rock Retreat Center. She is a retired prosecuting attorney who has practiced Vipassana meditation for over 30 years. Tuere is committed to lay practice and inspired by bringing the Dharma to nontraditional places. She is a strong advocate for practitioners living with high stress, past trauma and difficulties sitting still. Tuere has been teaching since 2010 and has a long history of assisting others in establishing and maintaining a daily practice. Tuere can be contacted at and at
2023-01-02 Questions and Answers about Home Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 65:28
with Devon Hase, Tuere Sala
Tuere and Devon answered questions about going home and practicing in daily life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Insight Meditation Retreat
2022-12-31 Morning Instructions: Working with Thoughts (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:49
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Insight Meditation Retreat
2022-12-31 Working with Thoughts 23:15
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Insight Meditation Retreat
2022-12-29 The Inspiring Nature of the Hindrances (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 58:51
The hindrances are a necessary part of practice. They build resolve, determination, stamina, and patience. They also inspire appreciation, inspiration and gratitude. This talk is about learning to connect with the inspiring nature of the hindrances.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Insight Meditation Retreat
2022-11-27 Cultivating Love in the Midst of the Difficulty 51:27
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series
2022-10-06 Dharma Talk (Retreat at Spirit Rock) - A Thorn in One's Heart 51:25
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat
2022-09-25 Cultivating the Four Noble Truths 40:29
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series
2022-09-11 Cultivating Conditions That Support a Strong Practice 1:11:44
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series
2022-08-11 The Elements: Cultivating Embodied Experience of Emptiness and Fullness 37:29
Exploring the present moment with earth, wind, water, and bringing in the fire element.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Elements: Cultivating Embodied Experience of Emptiness & Fullness
2022-06-06 Monday Night Dharma Talk - The Importance of Dukkha (Suffering) in Awakening 1:10:03
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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