The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Mark Coleman's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Mark Coleman
Mark Coleman has been engaged in meditation practice since 1981, primarily within the Insight meditation tradition. He has been teaching meditation retreats since 1997. His teaching is also influenced by his studies with Advaita Vedanta and Tibetan teachers in Asia and the West, and through his teacher training with Jack Kornfield. Mark primarily teaches at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California, though he also teaches nationally, in Europe and India.
2011-10-24 Gratitude In Life 34:23
What is your relationship to gratitude? How do you orient to the world? Noticing the blessings and knowing you have enough - or focusing on what is missing?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2011-10-02 The Practice of Generosity 39:25
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2011-09-19 Anata-Buddha's Teaching on Not Self 55:35
This talk explores the understanding of the changing nature of self and explores it through the teachings of the 5 skandas (aggregates).
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness Training for Yoga Teachers Program (Retreat 2)
2011-09-19 Morning Instructions 41:52
Exploration of Awareness through Space and Sound; use of Bells and Bowls
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness Training for Yoga Teachers Program (Retreat 2)
2011-09-15 First Noble Truth: Skillfully Working with Suffering 52:22
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness Training for Yoga Teachers Program (Retreat 2)
2011-08-29 Wise Concentration 48:20
What is the role of concentration on the Path... Why is it important, how to develop it on & off the cushion and what are the obstacles.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2011-08-22 Working with the Inner Critic 55:47
This talk explores the pervasiveness of the judging mind and how to work constructively with it through mindfulness, metta, understanding and inquiry.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2011-08-13 Working With the Inner Critic Part 2 25:41
Practical strategies to free oneself from the negative impact of the judgmental mind.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2011-08-13 Working with the Inner Critic Part 1 50:36
This talk explores the origins and negative impacts of the judging mind and how to practically understand and use effective procedures based in mindfulness, metta, and inquiry.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2011-08-01 The Spark of Awakening 54:37
The use of wise energy/effort on the path of practice- and an exploration of the Buddha's teaching on the four wise efforts.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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