The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Sylvia Boorstein's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Sylvia Boorstein
My greatest joy is giving the gift of love and hope through the dharma, knowing it is possible for humans to transform their hearts. These dharma gifts include paying attention, practicing clarity and kindness and addressing the suffering of the world--which, of course, includes ourselves.
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2000-02-05 The Practices Of Clear Seeing And Tenderness 49:59
Mindfulness and Metta, as integral, implicit aspects of each other, are a unified path to awakening.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1999-11-29 The Sudden And Startling Arising Of Wisdom 56:43
an unusual presentation of the seven factors of enlightenment
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1999-03-26 The Great Good Fortune To Be Able To Practice 56:42
the transformative potential - for ourselves and for the world - of practice
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1999-03-20 Lifelong Heart-Healing 65:16
This Dharma talk given at the end of a 6-week retreat is about remembering what we are doing here, moving into the middle of our lives so we can see clearly, and paying attention so that we don't miss an opportunity for an awakened heart. Sylvia encourages us not to coast to the finish line, but to do the work we came to do in order to manifest an awakened heart. She also discusses healing from mistakes.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1999-03-14 The Liberating News Of Impermanence 53:41
Everything arises and passes away, like the breath. How to not be frightened by this or experience "existential angst" from inevitable loss in connection is often what brings us into practice. Liberation is in the heart that is wide enough to hold joy as well as the greatest pain of loss. In managing inevitable loss, we become kinder, softer, gentler and much more careful. To liberate "fixed point of view," we stay awake and attentive, always open for new insights to our stories about ourselves and others. Views change, bodies change, relationships change, but what does not change is the capacity of the heart to respond with compassion and lovingkindness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1999-03-07 Always Beginning Again 61:32
inspiration for beginning and continuing practice
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1999-02-28 The Dharma Of Horton 57:07
teachings of patience, which lead to compassion and wisdom
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1999-02-21 Nothing Is Worth Thinking Out 57:33
inspiration for a rigorous, devoted, hope-filled practice
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1999-02-18 Peace Is Possible 53:55
Using the path of practice (the Fourth Noble Truth), we can learn to pay attention moment to moment, developing insight and concentration. Each moment of mindfulness is another moment of freedom from suffering, and in that freedom, indeed, peace is possible.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1998-11-22 Seeing In A New Way 55:25
Vipassana means seeing things clearly. When we are overwhelmed, our view can become inhibited. Like a miracle, seeing from a different view allows us to see and do in a different way. All we need is one moment of clarity to feel freedom, and all else passes. Meditation is one revelation after another, leading one to see with more kindness and compassion for the benefit of all beings.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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