The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Sylvia Boorstein's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Sylvia Boorstein
My greatest joy is giving the gift of love and hope through the dharma, knowing it is possible for humans to transform their hearts. These dharma gifts include paying attention, practicing clarity and kindness and addressing the suffering of the world--which, of course, includes ourselves.
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1995-04-17 Making Compassion Real 57:32
Renewing our innate capacity for making wise and wholesome choices.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1995-02-03 The Difficulties Of Loving Beings 57:28
In this Dharma talk, given at a Metta Meditation residential retreat, Sylvia examines some of the key blocks we come up against that keep us from living in our true nature of joyful, loving, compassionate beings. Illustrating with stories, both poignant and humorous, she demonstrates that, our awareness to the contrary, we repeatedly fall away from living in our true nature, because we may forget who we really are. We may continue, for various reasons she discusses, to hold onto grievances that lock us into our own prisons of pain and suffering. It is through the liberating knowledge of meditation practice that we can free ourselves from this pattern. That is, in fact, the "edge" of this practice: that we can fall away into a sense of separateness, and that we are able to bring ourselves back to the truth of our oneness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1995-02-01 Natural Antidotes To Hindrances 59:54
Exploring some skillful means for dealing with difficult mind states.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1994-02-15 The Phantom Tightrope: Balancing Practice 48:59
balancing and strengthening practice: a cookbook of helpful hints
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1994-02-13 Hindrances: Storms Of The Mind 59:06
reconnecting with our "at ease" nature
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1994-02-08 Special Challenges To Loving 57:58
Developing unanimous lovingness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
In collection: Complete Metta Retreat
1994-02-05 Intention 52:39
This Dharma talk given at the beginning of a metta retreat, notes that this is a practice of intention. It asks, "What are our goals? Where are we going with it?" Sylvia reminds us to be mindful of our intention in practice. Clarity of intention is a motivator of zeal. It can help us see where we are going. It can also fortify and strengthen our practice, helping us see through the painful resistance to loving. Sylvia shares some candid stories of her own beginning practice with some suggestions for enhancing our practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
In collection: Complete Metta Retreat
1993-10-31 Day Of Metta - I 63:43
Metta means boundless well wishing and perfect happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
In collection: Day Of Metta
1993-10-31 Day Of Metta - II 56:48
Continuing instructions in the art of lovingkindness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
In collection: Day Of Metta
1993-10-31 Day Of Metta - III 1:31:47
Cultivating Metta; instant first aid for the mind.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
In collection: Day Of Metta

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