The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
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2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 1 25:58
This half-day workshop was designed for the hosts, leaders, potential leaders and participants in Kalyana Mitta (KM) groups. Spirit Rock is looking for additional facilitators and hosts to create new groups and connect people with the KM program. Contact for more information or to find out about our next KM workshop.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 2 7:47
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 3 59:27
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-06-16 Kalyana Mitta Half-Day with James Baraz, June 16, 2013, part 4 33:31
This half-day workshop was designed for the hosts, leaders, potential leaders and participants in Kalyana Mitta (KM) groups. Spirit Rock is looking for additional facilitators and hosts to create new groups and connect people with the KM program. Contact for more information or to find out about our next KM workshop.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2013-05-18 Equanimity with Things As They Are 63:13
The quality of equanimity is a significant factor in coming to terms with impermanence and its manifestations: agin, illness and death. Learning to find balance with regard to the reality of change is explored
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Aging as Spiritual Opportunity: A retreat for those 55 and older
2013-05-15 Loving Ourselves As We Grow Older 59:04
The importance of accepting and learning to love ourselves is important at any age. But it is particularly crucial as as we learn to adjust to a body and mind going through the aging process as well as a new self-identity about who we are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Aging as Spiritual Opportunity: A retreat for those 55 and older
2013-04-20 From Me to We 53:12
with Bob Doppelt, James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Responses to Climate Change: Awareness, Action and Celebration
In collection: Responses to Climate Change: Awareness, Action and Celebration
2013-04-20 Responses to Climate Change: Awareness, Action and Celebration 4:05:21
with Bob Doppelt, Donald Rothberg, James Baraz, Joanna Macy, Malcolm Margolin, Nina Wise, Paul Hawken
2013-04-20 (1 day) Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Responses to Climate Change: Awareness, Action and Celebration
In collection: One Earth Sangha
2013-03-02 Contentment 57:07
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat
2013-02-25 Afternoon Brahma Vihara Practice - Mudita for All Beings 57:05
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation - 1 Month Retreat

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