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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Monday and Wednesday Talks

Regular weekly talks given at the lower Spirit Rock meditation hall

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2023-12-20 The Dharma in Times of Crisis 1:20:00
Donald Rothberg, Stephen Fulder
Stephen Fulder, the founder and senior teacher of Tovana (the Israel Insight Society), is in conversation with Donald Rothberg. We hold the understanding of "crisis" broadly, remembering that we are in the midst of multiple crises, while giving more attention to Israel/Palestine. Such crises are a major challenge to our dharma practice. In this context, we explore a number of different themes, including bringing our practice to difficult experiences that often arise in a crisis, such as fear, emotional pain, reactivity, numbness, and the presence of repetitive negative narratives and views. We also identify, during the conversation, a number of resources, including qualities of compassion, empathy, equanimity, and the importance of finding a "refuge"and deep support in different ways. The conversation is followed by discussion, and a closing guided meditation. [During the conversation, we see a short (3:28) video of Tovana teachers speaking a sentence each about the current crisis, in Hebrew, with English sub-titles. The video can be seen at]
2024-01-01 How the Dharma Empowers Making Change in Our Daily Lives 1:55:17
Phillip Moffitt
2024-01-10 Clearing a Space: Begin Again 1:45:24
Heidi Bourne
Includes arriving meditation, dharmette & guided meditation + some select discussion
2024-01-15 MLK Day: A Perspective on Socially Engaged Buddhism 1:44:05
Tuere Sala
2024-01-17 Growing the Paramis from the Ground of Wise Effort 1:33:04
Heidi Bourne
Includes meditation and dharma talk. (Group shares have been removed).
2024-01-24 Metta and Mindfulness: Guided Practice 38:47
Donald Rothberg
We begin with the basic instruction in metta (lovingkindness) practice, using the silent repetition of phrases. Then we move to a period of mindfulness practice, followed by metta practice, where the metta is most accessible, followed by an invitation to return to mindfulness practice, integrated with the energy and intentions of metta practice.
2024-01-24 Integrating Metta Practice with Wisdom, Awareness, and Insight Practice 1 63:04
Donald Rothberg
We often hear that the heart of the teachings and practice is to connect wisdom and compassion, clear seeing and the kind heart, developing what Jack Kornfield calls the "wise heart." Yet such a connection or integration can be challenging in several ways. First of all, we have major conditioning in modern Western culture to separate the "mind" and the "heart" (or emotions), as well as the body. Also we find tendencies in the Theravada tradition to see Metta practice as separate from Insight practice, as in the way that Buddhaghosa in the influential text, the Visuddhimagga, lists Metta practice as a form of Concentration practice, and in some of the ways that Metta is taught as a complement to insight practice in the West. In this talk, we begin to explore what it might look like to integrate more fully Metta and wisdom, mindfulness, and insight, both in formal practice and daily life. The talk is followed by discussion.
2024-01-24 Introduction to Nine Bodies Insight Practice, Capacities 1-4 1:35:35
Dana DePalma
2024-01-29 The Teaching of the 8 Consciousnesses 1:26:11
Teja Bell
2024-01-31 Guided Meditation: Mindfulness, Metta, Radiating Metta, and Metta-Infused Mindfulness 39:03
Donald Rothberg
We begin with about 10 minutes of settling with our mindfulness (or another) practice. This is followed by about 5 minutes of practicing metta where it flows as easily as possible, and then by a guided practice in radiating metta, extended to radiating in a boundless way. We then return to a brief way of practicing radiating metta without visualization, followed by returning to mindfulness, infused with metta.
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