The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2003-02-09 Patience 39:51
Arinna Weisman
Using experiences as a child growing up in South Africa, as well as experiences in her daily life, Arinna shares how the practice of patience is an essential part of practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-02-06 Metta And Mindfulness 55:17
Sylvia Boorstein
How these two practices of mindfulness & metta are, in fact, enfolded in each other.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-29 Take a Deep Breath 60:44
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-22 Working With Hindrances 58:31
Adrianne Ross
How to work with some of the difficulties we face in our practice and in our lives.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-13 Redemption 59:27
Jack Kornfield
How transformation of the heart is possible. Includes the story of Anqulimala.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-05 The Wisdom of Not Knowing (Beginner's Mind) 62:06
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-04 The Potential To Awaken 46:00
Anna Douglas
What it means to live a life of awakening in a culture that values materials success, grasping and control.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-02 Metta 3 1:24:45
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2003-01-02 Generosity 51:07
Adrianne Ross
How giving, relinquishing and receiving act to open the heart and are gateways to freedom.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2002-12-31 I Wanna Be Kwan Yin 42:45
Sharda Rogell
True practice is knowing that you are already a manifestation of compassion without trying. Knowing that, we let go of what is false and keep returning to our peaceful heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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