The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2024-07-08 Sitting with Dhamma Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 44:18
Ajahn Nyaniko
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination: Are They Still Applicable?

2024-07-07 Evening Puja, Meditation and Dhamma Teaching (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:58:09
Ajahn Amaro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination: Are They Still Applicable?

2024-07-07 The Elephant in the Room 1:15:21
Thomas Davis
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series

2024-07-07 Sitting with Dhamma Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 46:03
Ralph Steele
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination: Are They Still Applicable?

2024-07-06 Evening Puja, Meditation and Dhamma Teaching (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:52:46
Ajahn Nyaniko
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination: Are They Still Applicable?

2024-07-06 Sitting with Dhamma Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 42:33
Ajahn Amaro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination: Are They Still Applicable?

2024-07-05 Opening Night Session (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:41:08
Ajahn Amaro, Ajahn Nyaniko, Jill Satterfield, Ralph Steele
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Four Noble Truths and Dependent Origination: Are They Still Applicable?

2024-07-03 Toward Freedom and Awakening--Individually and as a Society: A Fourth of July Talk 62:10
Donald Rothberg
A day before the Fourth of July and two days after Canada Day, commemorating establishing Canada, we explore the possibility of connecting the vision of individual awakening and freedom and the vision of social freedom and justice. We look at the "shadows" of these visions, of how greed, hatred, and delusion, whether individual or collective, as well as other factors, stand in the way of realizing these visions. We point to the importance of staying connected to these two visions in difficult and challenging times, and of how they can be brought together. After the talk, we have a group discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-07-03 Resourcing 59:43
Rion Pendergrass
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spirit Rock - Rainbow Sangha

2024-07-01 Mindfulness, Mindlessness, Rumination and the Species of Unconsciousness 1:46:22
Matthew Brensilver
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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