The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2024-11-12 Embodied Refuge in Dhamma (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 42:01
Djuna Devereaux
Refuge gives us the opportunity to touch into something deeper than habit. Might there be another way? Expanding our capacity to feel emotions. Placing and sensing in meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Your Ground: Mindful Yoga and Embodied Dharma

2024-11-11 Essential Teachings for Changing Times 1:37:47
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-11-08 Refuge in Recovery 61:47
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Nourishing the Beautiful: A Retreat for the LGBTQIA+ Community

2024-11-06 Reflections on Connection and Trust 47:15
Brett Wheeler
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spirit Rock - Rainbow Sangha

2024-11-06 Post-Election Day Community Gathering 1:59:46
Sylvia Boorstein, Donald Rothberg
We gather for two hours together the morning after Election Day, 2024, in large part to ground what we are experiencing in our practice and in community. We begin with short reflections from Sylvia and Donald, followed by short periods of meditation and then sharing from many of those present at the gathering, with intermittent reflections from Sylvia and Donald. We finish with short talks from Sylvia and Donald and then a reading of the intentions of community members going forward in the next period of time.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-11-03 Opening to the Sacred in Challenging Times 1:14:36
Dawn Mauricio
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series

2024-11-01 Three Dharmettes: The 5 Daily Reflections, Supports for Maranasati, and Forgiveness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 54:17
John Martin, Kodo Conlin, Nikki Mirghafori
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Befriending Mortality: Living An Awakened Life Through Mindfulness of Death (Maraṇasati)

2024-11-01 Morning Instructions: Releasing into peace and intention setting through deathbed visualization. (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:01
Nikki Mirghafori
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Befriending Mortality: Living An Awakened Life Through Mindfulness of Death (Maraṇasati)

2024-10-31 An Exquisite Death (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:30
Kodo Conlin
Moving aside from the notions of a good death or a bad death, we consider an exquisite death. The power of an encounter with mortality can set our lives in motion. How would we like to be companions for ourselves? In this talk we hear stories that changed Kodo's understanding of mortality, and how the Buddha accompanied the ill and dying.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Befriending Mortality: Living An Awakened Life Through Mindfulness of Death (Maraṇasati)

2024-10-31 Finding Hope & Strength Through Compassion 61:26
Juliana Sloane
Begins with a 30m meditation & is followed by a Dharma Talk. (Group discussion has been removed)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thursday Morning Women’s Group

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