The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2024-06-19 Cultivating Appreciative Joy (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 31:51
Alexa Redner
Introduction to Mudita practice with a guided practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness

2024-06-19 Practicing with Views, Beliefs, and Positions 2 63:52
Donald Rothberg
We start with a brief reflection on today's holiday, Juneteenth. Then we review last week's initial exploration of practicing with views, including (1) identifying the main teachings on views given by the Buddha, and (2) three basic ways to practice with views, including developing mindfulness of views, inquiring when there is a charge related to another's view, and developing careful listening. This review is followed by bringing in several further ways to understand and practice with views, including working with a specific teaching and letting the "view [coming from the teaching] be the meditation," exploring how sometimes to rest in a kind of unknowing, and then how awakening lies beyond views and concepts. The talk is followed by discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-06-19 Guided Meditation: Practicing with Views 36:07
Donald Rothberg
After initial instructions in developing stability and concentration, and then mindfulness, there are further instructions, given after 10 and after 20 minutes, on developing more mindfulness of views, stories, and narratives (related to the talk given after the meditation). At the end, there is an invitation to reflect on views or stories that have been prominent in the last few days.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-06-19 Big Mind Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 57:15
James Baraz
This meditation shifts from focusing on objects in our experience to the awareness in which all objects appear and disappear.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness

2024-06-18 Facing Death (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 49:20
Trudy Goodman
This talk is about a recent near death experience and the choice to live, exploring how and why dharma practice is essential to facing death without fear.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness

2024-06-18 Is Love Really Immeasurable? (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 29:37
Thomas Davis
Join me in exploring and examining the immeasurable nature of Love, and what this meaning may entail.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness

2024-06-18 Mindfulness of Emotions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 58:41
Trudy Goodman
How the emotions are sensed in the body and why it's important to learn to feel them.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness

2024-06-17 The Magic of Awareness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 61:37
James Baraz
By opening to the perspective of everything arising and passing away in the space of awareness we see through the illusion of separation, directly experiencing anatta, the selfless nature of reality. We also let go of identifying with hindrances and and other ways we identify with the natural unfolding of experience. This talk includes an exploration of the Kashmir Shaivism text "Realization of Our True Heart."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness

2024-06-17 Cultivating the Great Heart of Compassion (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 28:45
Alexa Redner
Introduction to compassion practice followed by a guided self-compassion practice, and sharing compassion with the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness

2024-06-17 Instructions Including Breath, Body Sensations and Sounds (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:09
James Baraz
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Magic of Awareness

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