The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2024-08-12 Monday Night Meditation 1:43:43
Dawn Mauricio
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-08-11 Authenticity as Container, Content, and Context 67:07
Rev. Liên Shutt
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series

2024-08-09 Joy 1:15:16
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dharma and Recovery

2024-08-08 Resilience and Delight 60:04
Grace Fisher
Begins with a 30m meditation and is followed by a Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thursday Morning Women’s Group

2024-08-07 Reclaiming our Strength with the 5 Spiritual Faculties ~ Today’s Focus: Mindfulness 1:27:04
Heidi Bourne
Includes meditation & dharma talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-08-07 Tribute to Eric Kolvig 33:05
JD Doyle
Note: Some of the audio is glitchy at times. See slideshow here:
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spirit Rock - Rainbow Sangha

2024-08-05 Monday Night Meditation 1:42:15
Pamela Weiss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-08-02 Mudita Talk and Guided Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 42:56
John Martin
With Mudita we celebrate the happiness of others and wish it to continue.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Spirit of Insight, Dharma & Awakening

2024-08-01 Right Effort in Meditation Retreat: 24/7 Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 64:46
Eugene Cash
Discovering how Right Effort leads to being present, awakening and realizing the Truth of the Dharma. We explored different currents of Rt. Effort: gentle; relaxed; willful; strong; fierce. We examined why and when different streams of effort might be skillful.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center The Spirit of Insight, Dharma & Awakening

2024-08-01 Resolve, Commitment and the Path 58:40
Grace Fisher
Begins with a 30m meditation and is followed by a Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thursday Morning Women’s Group

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