The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2024-06-06 Nurturing the Animal Body 61:17
Grace Fisher
Begins with a 30m meditation and is followed by a Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thursday Morning Women’s Group

2024-06-06 Precarious: A Mess More Than a Safe Space 27:42
JD Doyle
Dharma talk based on a poem "nested" by adrianne maree brown
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Spirit Rock - Rainbow Sangha

2024-06-04 Faith (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:20
Pamela Weiss
This talk describes the deepening of faith and the revelation of our innate Buddha Nature through stories about Zen masters, Bodhisattvas, the Lamed Vov.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Dharma Yoga Mindfulness Training: Retreat #1

2024-06-03 Precious Human Birth– Becoming Human in Each Moment (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:15
Eugene Cash
What makes humans precious? The magic, mystery & wonder embodied consciousness that is characterized by the Oneness of Birth-and-Death, & the paradox of unity of suffering and awakening being in Precious Human Birth
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Loving Each Moment: The Heartfelt Revelation of Dharma

2024-06-03 Nonviolence and Wise View in Relation to the War in Gaza 1:52:26
Sean Oakes
The war in Palestine/Israel is profoundly painful for everyone involved, including those of us witnessing the conflict and feeling it impact our communities. How might the Buddha’s teachings support us as we engage in bearing witness and participating in the larger conversation unfolding around this war and other violent conflicts? Non-violence, understood as arising from wise view and expressing as wise action, is a radical Buddhist approach to social engagement, and challenges views we may hold around right and wrong, guilt and victimhood, identity, ancestry, and land ownership. Conversation about politically-charged situations can be difficult in Dharma spaces, but the profound implications of the Buddha’s teaching can also become a real support for us in negotiating complex social and political realities.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-06-02 "How Happily We Live": Dharma Ease in Uneasy Times for BIPOC 1:18:08
Mushim Ikeda
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series

2024-06-01 Body: 1st Foundation of Awareness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:02
Eugene Cash
We explored the components & dynamics of the 1st Foundation: Breath; Body Posture; Parts of the Body; Awareness in all activities of the Body. We examined the Insight with leads to being Independent- Not clinging to anything in the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Loving Each Moment: The Heartfelt Revelation of Dharma

2024-06-01 Mindfulness: Listening with Love (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 43:35
Pamela Weiss
This talk explores aspects of mindfulness, working with the judging mind and listening with love.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Loving Each Moment: The Heartfelt Revelation of Dharma

2024-05-30 Anger as our Ally 1:16:08
Grace Fisher
Includes meditation and dharma talk (Group Q/A has been removed)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Thursday Morning Women’s Group

2024-05-27 Memorial: Precious Human Birth–– Being Fully Human Now 1:26:21
Eugene Cash
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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