The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1986-04-01 Guiding Your Own Practice 55:37
Jack Kornfield
making peace with the many styles of meditation practice, deciding for oneself the appropriate practice for where one is at now
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1986-04-01 Happiness And Joy In Practice 58:03
Jack Kornfield
living in the present, knowing, the joys of caring for everything, of giving, of steadying the mind, and of wisdom
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1986-03-23 A Wise Heart 30:37
Jack Kornfield
finding a place in our being that really wants to understand what life and death are about; listening to our heart as we act in life
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1986-03-03 Finding Your Own Goodness 41:48
Jack Kornfield
taking refuge in our Buddha-nature, our basic goodness; having faith in the human heart that can overcome suffering
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1986-01-02 All We Need To Know 60:10
Jack Kornfield
beyond "all knowing" there is wisdom, freedom and compassion to be found in every heart
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1985-03-01 Practice In Daily Life: Right Understanding 55:28
Jack Kornfield
Knowing the possibility of awakening, in this very life of ours our journey begins.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1984-10-01 Practice In Daily Life: Right Concentration 57:27
Jack Kornfield
The art of steadying our attention brings an ease of well-being and leads to deeper levels of insight and connectedness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1984-09-01 Practice In Daily Life: Right Effort 40:55
Jack Kornfield
Right effort means directing the energy of our lives to cultivate those states of mind that lead to happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

1984-09-01 Daily Life Situation: California Retreat 41:13
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

1984-08-01 Practice In Daily Life: Right Speech 41:10
Jack Kornfield
Lovingly refining our speech, we discover the freedom of relating in truth and in trust.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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