The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Phillip Moffitt's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Phillip Moffitt
Phillip Moffitt is co-guiding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center and the founder of the Life Balance Institute. He teaches vipassana (insight) meditation and is the author of two books: "Dancing with Life," which explores the Four Noble Truths, and "Emotional Chaos to Clarity." More information can be found at:
2022-08-15 An Overview to Concentration Practice 62:59
A Guide for Understanding the how and why of Concentration practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Cultivating Concentration
2022-04-27 Knowing that know that you know--awareness being known here and now (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:26
Fully established mindfulness that is aligned with the dharma allows the mind to become so still that an intuitive felt sense of awareness can arises that knows it knows awareness is like this...
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Exploring Awareness: A Retreat for Experienced Practitioners
2022-04-26 Stillness and Movement, Awareness and Mind Moments (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 61:40
Discovering the Stillness of the Mind that illuminates the ever changing individualized moments of consciousness
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Exploring Awareness: A Retreat for Experienced Practitioners
2022-04-24 Guided Meditation for Experiencing Boundless Space (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 58:53
A step by step practice for directly experiencing boundless space
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Exploring Awareness: A Retreat for Experienced Practitioners
2022-01-03 Hidden Dimensions of Making Change 56:23
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2021-10-01 Dialogue on aspects of freedom. 52:03
with Matthew Brensilver, Phillip Moffitt, Tuere Sala
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat
2021-10-01 Letting go meditation 42:58
Inspired by the Venerable Sumedho, the "letting go" meditation is a simple but powerful meditation practice. It is an effective antidote to thinking mind challenges.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat
2021-09-28 Earth Element guided instruction 62:46
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat
2020-12-13 The Art and Practice of Forgiveness 4:23:24
with Noliwe Alexander, Phillip Moffitt
The art of forgiveness begins with connecting to the heart. The practice involves learning skills such as metta, mindful acknowledgement, and compassion. Practicing these skills enables you to free yourself from painful identification with past events. This is a day to bring remorse or grief about past actions and move beyond feelings of guilt and shame. Likewise, if someone has wronged you, you will be guided toward holding them in accountability without closing your heart. Additionally, forgiveness practice will move you toward clarity and acceptance for the ways you have let yourself down. Practicing forgiveness allows you to move from a heavy, remorseful heart and a reactive mind to a heart that’s light but still feels regret, and a mind that is calm and clear. The day will be held with periods of guided silent sitting and walking meditation practice, instruction in the art and practice of forgiveness, and a forgiveness ceremony, with opportunities to ask questions to the instructors.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2020-10-08 "The Three Groupings Meditation for Deeper Understanding of the Paramis” 51:04
Guided Meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat with Phillip Moffitt, MA, SEP; Matthew Brensilver, PhD; Tuere Sala and Dawn Scott

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