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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Sharda Rogell's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Sharda Rogell
My focus in teaching is to provide the support that students need to turn their life to the dharma, to truth, and to find ways to come out of their pain and suffering. The retreat experience is an invaluable aid to this exploration; however, what matters more is how one integrates this under- standing into everyday life.
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2007-01-01 Control: How Much Do I Have? 52:10
'Doing' can create a lot of stress. As I examine and let go of habitual patterns, I open to the freshness of not knowing and experience a wise and direct engagement with life
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2006-12-28 Including Suffering (Dukkha) 47:27
Mindfulness practice is a confrontation with what is true in each moment--we examine the ways we defend against painful experience so that we can open to the richness of being alive.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2006-10-04 Five Difficult Mind States 60:01
When we are identified with these five mind states they are called hindrances to seeing the way things actually are. Each one is explored along with skillful antidotes to help overcome them.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2006-09-01 Dukka And Its End 51:24
Every moment is a revelation of the Four Noble Truths. What kind of suffering do we have influence over? Once we deeply understand the nature of impermanence, freedom from suffering is close at hand.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2006-07-20 Anatta And Our Personality 56:36
Understanding Anatta. Our personality doesn't have to dissolve in order to understand the not-self nature of who we are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2006-07-11 Metta: Freeing The Heart From Clinging 51:16
What keeps our heart from expressing pure lovingkindness? Understanding "tanna" or clinging, that gives rise to attachment & aversion, is the obstacle.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2006-04-16 Settling Into Mindfulness 40:03
What is mindfulness? Exploring the qualities of mindfulness: knowingness, openness, curiosity and kindness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-10-26 Refashioning Ourselves With Clear Intention 58:28
How do we reconstruct or refashion the self into a whole person.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-10-24 Dukkha And Its End: Revelations Of The First Noble Truth 46:19
The First Noble Truth acknowledges two aspects of suffering, one we can change and one we can't change. It also asks us not to personalize our suffering.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-09-02 Embracing The Hindrances: An Illogical Happiness 58:31
Our mind moves to manipulate our experiences to find a way to be happy. When we stop and embrace our experience, even when difficult, this present attention opens us to our deeper nature.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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