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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Sharda Rogell's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Sharda Rogell
My focus in teaching is to provide the support that students need to turn their life to the dharma, to truth, and to find ways to come out of their pain and suffering. The retreat experience is an invaluable aid to this exploration; however, what matters more is how one integrates this under- standing into everyday life.
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2005-03-18 Uncovering The Deeper Levels Of Equanimity 50:01
To realize the deepest levels of equanimity, we need to let go of all our ideas of what equanimity is, and this is what drops us into the unmoving stillness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-03-11 The Happiness Of Concentration 44:27
We steady our mind through developing concentration and come to know our own innate nature as still, yet firm and supporting. We discover a ground to our being that that allows us to meet the challenges of life in a balanced way.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-03-04 Exploring Balanced Effort 51:58
How do we practice effort that is directed towards freedom from suffering and brings us emotional strength and balance? How do we awaken "natural effort" that leads to effortlessness?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2004-12-02 The Activity Of Rejecting Ourselves 50:19
We often compare where we are now to some ideal state and get caught in the painful habit of rejecting our experience. How do we transform this habit in order to come into connection with the truth of the way things are.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2004-09-03 Freedom Through Non-Clinging 51:25
Realizing the truth of non-clinging is the heart of the Buddha's teaching and one that leads ultimately to the realization of selflessness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2004-08-16 True Letting Go 12:12
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2004-07-12 Working With Obstacles To A Loving Heart 55:52
What is the pathway to go "behind all doubting that the same life flows through all that is and you are that life"? A primary focus on judgement.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2004-06-28 The Aliveness of Love 54:42
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2004-03-05 From Judging To Spacious Mind 45:51
The judging mind wants to dictate our reality. Once this is accessed, spacious mind opens.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2003-08-29 All We Want Is To Be Where We Are 54:07
As we embody our experience fully, the idea of what we think will bring relief from our unhappiness drops away, and allows us to drop into the true source of our happiness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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