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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Sharda Rogell's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Sharda Rogell
My focus in teaching is to provide the support that students need to turn their life to the dharma, to truth, and to find ways to come out of their pain and suffering. The retreat experience is an invaluable aid to this exploration; however, what matters more is how one integrates this under- standing into everyday life.
2012-12-30 Factors of Awakening - Joy 53:18
We find joy in sensual pleasure but the true joy comes when we relax into the present moment and let go.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Retreat
2012-10-22 Spiritual Bypassing 23:01
It is possible to use our practice to keep away difficult emotions that we think are "bad" or "wrong" and this causes a split in our way of being in the world. When we practice a meditative approach to our emotions, we begin to wake up all parts of ourselves, and reclaim our humanity and our aliveness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Trauma and Mindfulness: Continuing Class (5-week class series)
2012-09-01 Unbinding our Heart and Mind 56:59
The Buddha's teaching addresses the problem in life. Thoughts themselves are not the problem, rather the greed, hate and delusion bound up in the thought. A personal story exploring how to unbind ourselves from these conditions that cause us pain.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat
2012-07-12 Sustaining Presence With Love 24:17
When we are present with experience and can sustain our connection, this allows for a deep intimacy with all things. This brings love, delight, wisdom and responsiveness, as we engage with our life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat
2012-07-08 Simple Love 55:06
This talk explores Metta or loving kindness, and how to shift our view from being identified as a separate self (and the heartache that can cause) to understanding that nothing is fundamentally wrong with us.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Metta Retreat
2012-04-14 Living Life as a River Flows 57:45
If we can leave our fixed ideas behind, and return to the openness of our direct experience, we gain a new kind of knowledge, independent of our thinking mind that is immediate, fresh and deepens our trust in the natural unfolding.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2012-01-21 An Overview of the Eightfold Path 64:09
A talk given by Sharda Rogell, Anna Douglas and Howie Cohn teaching on the importance of practicing and following the path to wisdom and compassion as taught by the Buddha.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2012-01-21 An Overview of the Eightfold Path 64:16
with Anna Douglas, Howard Cohn, Sharda Rogell
A talk given by Sharda Rogell, Anna Douglas and Howie Cohn teaching on the importance of practicing and following the path to wisdom and compassion as taught by the Buddha.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma
2012-01-20 Expressing the Awakened Heart/Mind 57:11
How does love express itself in the awakened heart/mind. And how does that love get so distorted that it can turn to hatred, cruelty and envy. How can we release our confusion and be free?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma
2012-01-03 Join the Dance of Life 43:47
What has kept me on the path? Turning towards life instead of away-A radical confrontation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Retreat

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