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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Sharda Rogell's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Sharda Rogell
My focus in teaching is to provide the support that students need to turn their life to the dharma, to truth, and to find ways to come out of their pain and suffering. The retreat experience is an invaluable aid to this exploration; however, what matters more is how one integrates this under- standing into everyday life.
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2003-08-15 Don't Take It Personally 52:25
Desire supported by ignorance leads to narrow self-interest. Desire nourished by wisdom has the potential to change the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2002-12-31 I Wanna Be Kwan Yin 42:45
True practice is knowing that you are already a manifestation of compassion without trying. Knowing that, we let go of what is false and keep returning to our peaceful heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2002-09-01 What Does It Mean To Respond With The Heart? 51:06
Moving out of duality of right and wrong -- we can learn to listen to our intuitive wisdom rather than be driven by our fearful and confused thoughts.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2002-07-17 The Equanimous Heart 54:40
When we understand that our happiness and unhappiness depends on our actions, then we can act with intentions that are loving and generous. This is what brings about the happiness we long for.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2002-07-14 When You Love Someone, Your Eyelashes Go Up And Down 47:12
Metta practice works it's magic by reflecting back our momentary experience so we can see where we are still holding. Embracing these parts of ourselves leads us to the boundless heart of metta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2002-03-13 Resting in Knowing 64:13
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2000-08-23 Wise Restraint - A Personal Journey 44:55
Our search for comfort, security and contentment shapes our world yet eludes us. How can we find true happiness--the happiness of the Buddha.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2000-07-07 The Current Of True Being 47:58
When wanting and not wanting quiet down, one can know true being.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1999-08-27 Leaning Into The Stillpoint 51:37
to awaken to the stillpoint requires a complete shift in the way we relate to activity and time, without their end.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
1999-07-25 Embracing Wholeness 46:18
Striving to be better than we are interferes with embracing our essential wholeness right now,
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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