The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Bob Stahl's Dharma Talks at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Bob Stahl
Is a long-time practitioner of insight meditation, lived in a Buddhist monastery for over eight years. He has a PhD in Philosophy and Religion with a specialization in Buddhist Studies, and now directs Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programs in six Bay Area medical centers. Bob studied with the renowned Burmese masters Taungpulu Kaba-Aye Sayadaw, Hlaing Tet Sayadaw, Dr. Rina Sircar and Pokokhu Sayadaw, and has experience with 32 parts of the body, 4 elements and charnel ground meditations. Bob has completed training with Jon Kabat-Zinn and is a certified mindfulness-based stress reduction teacher having been certified by UMass Medical Center.
2012-04-13 32 Parts Continued and 4 Noble Truths 66:24
More on how to practice the 32 Parts of the Body meditation. Then an exploration of why we practice and the story of the Buddha's awakening and the 4 Noble Truths and 3 marks of existence.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation
2012-04-11 Death, Hindrances, 32 Body Parts 63:45
Cultivating the mindfulness of death assists in the path of awakening. Working with the challenges/hindrances that come up after the first day of full practice. An introduction to the 32 Parts of the Body meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Freedom in the Body: Mindfulness of the Body as a Gateway to Liberation
2011-09-28 Question and Answer with Bob Stahl and Marcy Reynolds 62:59
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing Firm in That Which You Are: Mindfulness of the Body
2011-09-28 Day 6 Morning Instructions 35:06
Instruction, Elements Meditation, Q&A
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing Firm in That Which You Are: Mindfulness of the Body
2011-09-27 Worm Dhamma 63:12
Who are we?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing Firm in That Which You Are: Mindfulness of the Body
2011-09-27 Meditation on the 5th Group of 32 Parts of the Body 42:21
Bile, Phlegm, Pus, Blood, Sweat, Fat (Pittam, Semhan, Pubbo, Lohitam, Sedo, Medo)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing Firm in That Which You Are: Mindfulness of the Body
2011-09-26 32 Parts of the Body Meditation, Group 3 45:58
Heart, Liver, Diaphragm, Spleen, Lungs
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing Firm in That Which You Are: Mindfulness of the Body
2011-09-25 32 Parts of the Body Meditation 41:19
Group 1: Head hair, Body hair, Nails, Teeth, Skin (Kesa, Loma, Nakkha, Danta, Taco)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing Firm in That Which You Are: Mindfulness of the Body
2011-09-25 Q&A after Morning Instructions 10:52
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing Firm in That Which You Are: Mindfulness of the Body
2011-09-25 Morning Instructions, Day 2 28:14
Mindfulness of Senses in the Body
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing Firm in That Which You Are: Mindfulness of the Body

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